

Why should I opt for WonderVet?

WonderVet is your one-stop solution for top-notch veterinary care, delivered directly to your home. Our exceptional in-home vet services, combined with the option for telehealth, ensure that pet care is always stress-free and readily available. Ready to enjoy a hassle-free, in-home vet service? Don’t wait, connect with WonderVet today.

What makes WonderVet different from traditional vet clinics?

At WonderVet, our Veterinarians and Care Teams offer the same services you’ve come to expect from standard vet clinics, but with a unique twist – we bring these services directly to your home!

What are the advantages of in-home vet services?

Benefits for Pets:

Pets often get stressed out by the idea of carriers, car rides, and the unfamiliar surroundings of a vet clinic. By offering vet services at home, we not only reduce this stress but also enable our vets to assess your pet in their natural environment. This is particularly beneficial for senior and timid pets.

Just like a regular clinic, WonderVet offers a broad spectrum of services – Wellness and Sick exams, vaccinations, virtual vet consults, and more – but all within the comfort of your home.

Benefits for Multi-Pet Families:

If you’re a proud parent of multiple pets, you can combine their check-ups into one home visit, saving you time and hassle. While there will be an individual examination fee for each pet, you’ll only pay one travel fee for all pets in the family.

Benefits for Busy Pet Parents:

For those with demanding schedules or those juggling work-from-home arrangements, in-home vet services are a game changer. Say goodbye to squeezing in vet appointments during your busy day – instead, we come to you. We even offer same-day and next-day appointments in most locations.

Benefits for Senior Pet Parents:

Our mobile vet services provide an ideal, stress-free solution for senior pet parents, eliminating the need to coax pets into carriers and drive them to the clinic.

Benefits for Pet Parents with Mobility or Transport Limitations:

In-home vet services are not just a great choice for your pets, but also for pet owners who have transport restrictions or mobility issues.

Learn more about the advantages of Home Vet Visits.

Where does WonderVet offer its services?
WonderVet operates across Australia, in both large cities and small towns. We’re rapidly expanding our footprint, so stay tuned to see when we reach your area! Visit our Locations page for more details.
Where does WonderVet offer its services?
WonderVet operates across Australia, in both large cities and small towns. We’re rapidly expanding our footprint, so stay tuned to see when we reach your area! Visit our Locations page for more details.
What kinds of pets does WonderVet treat?

Currently, we offer vet care services for dogs and cats across all our locations. For other animals, please contact us at [email protected] for additional information.

Currently, we offer vet care services for dogs and cats across all our locations. For other animals, please contact us at [email protected] for additional information.

How qualified are WonderVet’s veterinarians?

Our veterinary doctors and technicians at WonderVet are highly skilled in small animal medicine and are certified in practices to ensure your pet’s emotional well-being during their appointments. Find out more about our approach.

How should I get ready for a home visit?
If it’s your first appointment, please have a copy of your pet’s medical records on hand. To make your pet comfortable, maintain a calm and relaxed atmosphere before your appointment. When we arrive, reward your dog with their favourite toy or treat to help foster positive associations with our visits. If your cat is usually shy with visitors, place them in a secure, cosy space like a bathroom or closet with room where they feel safe to minimise stress.